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Institut für Hausarztmedizin


1 Comparison of Knee Muscular Strength Balance Among Pre and Post Puberty Adolescent Swimmers: a Cross-Sectional Pilot Study
Amado BL, De Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Forte P, da Costa T, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Healthcare (Basel) 2023;11:744
2 Physiological Features of Olympic-Distance Amateur Triathletes, as Well as Their Associations with Performance in Women and Men: A Cross-Sectional Study
Barbosa JG, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Dos Anjos VR, Vivan L, Seffrin A, Forte P, Weiss KKnechtle B, Andrade MS
Healthcare (Basel) 2023;11(4):622
3 Amateur Female Athletes Perform the Running Split of a Triathlon Race at Higher Relative Intensity than the Male Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study
De Araújo Moury Fernandes GC, Barbosa Junior JGG, Seffrin A, Vivan L, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Healthcare (Basel) 2023;11(3): 418
4 The Role of CRP POC Testing in the Fight against Antibiotic Overuse in European Primary Care: Recommendations from a European Expert Panel
Gentile I, Schiano Moriello N, Hopstaken R, Llor C, Melbye H, Senn O
Diagnostics 2023;13(2):320
5 The Level of Selected Blood Parameters in Young Soccer Players in Relation to the Concentration of 25(OH)D at the Beginning and End of Autumn
Jastrzębska J, Skalska M, Radzimiński L, López Sánchez GF, Weiss KKnechtle B
Biology (Basel) 2023;12(1):129
6 Effects of Biological Age on Athletic Adaptations to Combined Plyometric and Sprint with Change of Direction with Ball Training in Youth Soccer Players
Marzouki H, Sbai S, Ouergui I, Selmi O, Andrade MS, Bouhlel E, Thuany M, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
Biology (Basel) 2023;12(1):120
7 Changes in pacing variation with increasing race duration in ultra-triathlon races
Stjepanovic M, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT,Cuk I, Thuany M, Sousa CV
Scientific Reports 2023;13:3692
8 A Machine Learning Approach to Finding the Fastest Race Course for Professional Athletes Competing in Ironman® 70.3 Races between 2004 and 2020
Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Forte P, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Cuk I, Sousa CV, Knechtle B
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023;7;20(4):3619
9 The Relative Importance of Training and Social Support for Runners’ Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study
Thuany M , Vieira D, de Paula H, Nikolaidis PT, Scheer V, Weiss K, Cuk I, Knechtle B and Gomes TN
Sports Medicine - Open 2023;9:17 
10 A macro to micro analysis to understand performance in 100-mile ultra-marathons worldwide
Thuany M, Weiss K, Villiger E, Scheer V, Ouerghi N, Gomes TN, Knechtle B
Sci Rep 2023;13:1415
11 How to end up on the podium after running a 6-days-run with type 1 diabetes mellitus – A case study and literature review
Weiss K, Thuany M, Scheer V, Ouerghi N, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Ćuk I, Knechtle B
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023;27:88-97
12 Effect of two years of COVID-19 pandemic on maximum oxygen uptake among amateur runners: a prospective study
Vivan L, Seffrin A, da Cunha RA, Dos Anjos Souza VR, De Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Adv Prev Med Health Care 2023;4:1039
13 Skinfold thickness variation and associations with cardiorespiratory fitness in male soccer players of different ages
Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023;27:2200-2209
14 InTrack Project ˗ Theoretical framework, design, and methods: A study protocol
Thuany M, Gomes TN, Weiss K, Scheer V, Hill L, Rolim R, Knechtle B, Moura dos Santos MA
PLoS One 2023;18(3):e0283157
15 Ice Swimming
Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2023;112:348-356
16 Training Behaviors and Periodization Outline of Omnivorous, Vegetarian, and Vegan Recreational Runners (Part A) – Results from the NURMI Study (Step 2)
Wirnitzer K, Tanous D, Motevalli M, Raschner C, Wagner KH, Wirnitzer G, Leitzmann C, Rosemann T, Knechtle B  
Nutrients 20236;15(7):1796
17 Assessment of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Primary Care Among Swiss University Students
Jäger L,Senn O, Rosemann T, Plate A
JAMA Netw Open 2023;6(3):e233949
18 Colorectal cancer testing rates after implementation of an organised screening programme in Vaud, Switzerland
Hempel-Bruder C, Syrogiannouli L, Schneider R, Bissig S, Senn O, Tal K, Bulliard JL, Ducros C, Schmid CPR, Auer R, Selby K
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40054
19 Can the supplementation of vitamin D, sun exposure and isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic affect the seasonal concentration of 25(OH)D and selected blood parameters among young soccer players in one-year training season?
Jastrzębska J, Skalska M, Radzimiński L, López Sánchez GF, Hill L, Weiss K, Knechtle B
J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2023 Dec;20(1):2206802
20 Reference values for bone mass in young athletes: a cross-sectional study in São Paulo, Brazil
Fagundes U, Vancini RL, de Almeida AA, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS, de Lira CAB
Sci Rep 2023;13:286. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-27582-8
21 Prevalence of fear of COVID-19, depression, and anxiety among undergraduate students during remote classes
Silva RR, Santos DAT, Costa BA, Farias Júnior NC, Braz AG, Costa GCT, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
Acta Neuropsychiatr 2023;1-11. doi: 10.1017/neu.2023.4. Online ahead of print
22 Effects of moderate- vs. high-intensity interval training on physical fitness, enjoyment and affective valence in overweight/obese female adolescents: a pre-/post-test study
Abassi W, Ouerghi N, Feki M, Jebabli N, Andrade MS, Bouassida A, Sousa CV, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2023;27:3809-3822
23 The impact of COVID-19 on mental healthcare Utilization in Switzerland was strongest among young females – retrospective study in 2018-2020”
Rachamin Y, Jäger L, Schweighoffer R, Signorell A, Bähler C, Huber CA, Blozik E, Seifritz E, Grischott T, Senn O
Int J of Public Health 2023;68:1605839
24 Sex Differences In Maximal Oxygen Uptake Adjusted For Skeletal Muscle Mass In Amateur Endurance Athletes: A Cross Sectional Study Healthcare, in press Impact Factor: 3.160 (2021)
Martins HA, Barbosa JG, Seffrin A, Vivan L, Souza V, De Lira CAB, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Healthcare 2023;11:1502
25 Adolescents’ self-reported health status, behaviours and health issues addressed during routine school doctor consultations in Switzerland: an observational study
Rachamin Y, Nerlich SE, Jäger L, De Gani SM, Favre O, Senn O
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40078
26 Hepatitis C antibody test frequencies and positive rates in Switzerland from 2007 to 2017: a retrospective longitudinal study
Agosti-Gonzalez R, Falcato L, Grischott T, Senn O, Bruggmann P
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40085
27 Racing Experiences of Recreational Distance Runners following Omnivorous, Vegetarian, and Vegan Diets (Part B) – Results from the NURMI Study (Step 2)
Wirnitzer K, Tanous D, Motevalli M, Wagner KH, Raschner C, Wirnitzer G, Leitzmann C, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
Nutrients 2023;15:2243
28 Incidence and costs of hypoglycemia in insulin-treated diabetes in Switzerland: A health-economic analysis
Tzogiou C, Wieser S, Eichler K, Carlander M, Djalali S, Rosemann T, Brändle M
J Diabetes Complications 2023;37:108476
29 Effects of High-Intensity Warm-Up on 5000-Meter Performance Time in Trained Long-Distance Runners
Alves MDDJ, Knechtle B, Silva DDS, de Sousa Fernandes MS, Gomes, JH,  Thuany M, Aidar FJ, Weiss K, de Souza RF
J Sports Sci Med 2023;22:254-262
30 Acute effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on peak torque and 5000 m running performance: a randomized controlled trial
Dos Santos LF, Dos Santos Silva D, de Jesus Alves MD, Moura Pereira EV, do Nascimento HR, de Sousa Fernandes MS, de Freitas Zanona A, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF
Sci Rep 2023;13:9362
31 Participation and performance trends in short-, medium, and long-distance duathlon
Turnwald J, Sousa CV, Andrade MS, Thuany M, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Sci Rep 2023;13:9303
32 Überlegungen zur Zukunft der medizinischen Abteilung
Gysin S, Neuner-Jehle S
Praxis 2023;112:365-366
33 The burden of prolonged sedentary behavior imposed by uberization
Costa TG, de Oliveira VN, Santos DAT, Viana RB, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
Sports Med Health Sci 2023;5:159-163
34 Predicting overall performance in Ironman 70.3 age group triathletes through split disciplines
Nikolaidis PN, Valero D, Weiss K, Villiger E, Thuany M, Sousa CV, Andrade M, Knechtle B
Sci Rep 2023;13:11492
35 Guidance on C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and complementary strategies to improve antibiotic prescribing for adults with lower respiratory tract infections in primary care
Van Hecke O, Bjerrum L, Gentile I, Hopstaken R, Melbye H, Plate A, Verbakel JY, Llor C, Staiano A
Front Med (Lausanne) 2023;10:1166742
36 Impact of aging on maximal oxygen uptake adjusted for lower limb lean mass, total body mass, and absolute values in runners
Seffrin A, Vivan L, Dos Anjos Souza VR, da Cunha RA, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Impact of aging on maximal oxygen uptake adjusted for lower limb lean mass, total body mass, and absolute values in runners
Geroscience 2023 May 26;1–9. doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-00828-z. Epub ahead of print
37 The effects of 10-week plyometric training program on athletic performance in youth female handball players
Gaamouri N, Hammami M, Cherni Y, Rosemann T, Knechtle B, Chelly MS, van den Tillaar R
Front Sports Act Living 2023;5:1193026
38 The birthplace and relative age effects in Brazilian Olympic athletes: A cross-national comparison
Thuany M, Vieira D, Lima M, Cavalcante JT, Alcântara T, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Gomes TN
Front Psychol 2023;14:1135471
39 Supplementation with spinach-derived thylakoid augments the benefits of high intensity training on adipokines, insulin resistance and lipid profiles in males with obesity
Saeidi A, Saei MA, Mohammadi B, Zarei HRA, Vafaei M, Mohammadi AS, Barati M, Montazer M, Razi O, Kiyumi MHA, Laher I, Gholami M, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Zouhal H
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2023;14:1141796
40 Endometriosis and physical activity: A narrative review
Tourny C, Zouita A, El Kababi S, Feuillet L, Saeidi A, Laher I, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Zouhal H
Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2023;163:747-756
41 Enoxaparin for symptomatic COVID-19 managed in the ambulatory setting: An individual patient level analysis of the OVID and ETHIC trials
Barco S, Virdone S, Götschi A, Ageno W, Arcelus JI, Bingisser R, Colucci G, Cools F, Duerschmied D, Gibbs H, Fumagalli RM, Gerber B, Haas S, Himmelreich JCL, Hobbs R, Hobohm L, Jacobson B, Kayani G, Lopes RD, MacCallum P, Micieli E, Righini M, Robert-Ebadi H, Rocha AT, Rosemann T, Sawhney J, Schellong S, Sebastian T, Spirk D, Stortecky S, Turpie AGG, Voci D, Kucher N, Pieper K, Held U, Kakkar AK on behalf of the OVID and ETHIC Investigators 
Thromb Res 2023;230:27–32
42 Ambient temperature and kidney function in primary care patients
Schietzel S, Zechmann S, Valeri F, Staudinger M, Cippà P, Seibert J, Senn O, Seeger H
J Nephrol. 2023 Aug 23. doi: 10.1007/s40620-023-01715-8. Epub ahead of print
43 Beyond the border of the athlete-centred approach: a model to understand runners’ performance
Thuany M, Gomes TN, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Rolim R, Moura dos Santos MA
Front Psychol 14:1137023
44 An analysis of the São Silvestre race between 2007–2021: An increase in participation but a decrease in performance
Thuany M, Vieira D, Villiger E, Gomes TN, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Sousa CV, Scheer V, Knechtle B
Sports Med Health Sci 2023. doi.: 10.1016/j.smhs.2023.03.007
45 Where are the fastest master butterfly swimmers competing in the FINA World Masters Championship from?
Weiss K, Seffrin A, Andrade MS, Ahmad W, Forte P, Moreitz S, Stanula, A, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
EXCLI Journal 2023;22:604-619
46 Elderly female ultra-marathoners reduced the gap to male ultra-marathoners in Swiss running races
Knechtle B, Witthöft A, Valero D, Thuany M, Nikolaidis PT, Scheer V, Forte P, Weiss K
Sci Rep 2023;13:12521
47 Der gesundheitliche Nutzen von Schwimmen in kaltem Wasser
Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B 
Prim Hosp Care 2023;23:211-214
48 Impact of a deprescribing tool on the use of sedative hypnotics among older patients: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in Swiss primary care (the HYPE trial)
Weiss K, Pichierri G, Grischott T, Groth S, Neuner-Jehle S
BMJ Open 2023 Sep 19;13(9):e075828
49 Influenza vaccination uptake among at-risk patients in Switzerland - The potential of national claims data for surveillance
Plate A, Bagnoud C, Rosemann T, Senn O, Di Gangi S
Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2023;17:e13206
50 The impact of verbal encouragement during the repeated agility speed training on internal intensity, mood state, and physical enjoyment in youth soccer players
Selmi O, Jellelli H, Bouali S, Aydi B, Hindawi O, Muscella A, Bouassida A, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Front Psychol 2023;14:1180985
51 Comparing the Performance Gap Between Males and Females in the Older Age Groups in IRONMAN® 70.3: An Internet-Based Cross-Sectional Study of More Than 800,000 Race Records
Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Weiss K
Sports Med Open 2023;9:88
52 Sleep in marathon and ultramarathon runners: a brief narrative review
Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Trakada G
Front Neurol 2023;14:1217788
53 Performance and pacing of professional IRONMAN triathletes: the fastest IRONMAN World Championship ever-IRONMAN Hawaii 2022
Knechtle B, Cuk I, Villiger E, Forte P, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K
Sci Rep 2023;13:15708
54 Importance of different electronic medical record components for chronic disease identification in a Swiss primary care database: a cross-sectional study
Meier R, Grischott T, Rachamin Y, Jäger L, Senn O, Rosemann T, Burgstaller JM, Markun S
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40107
55 The subject-environment interplay between runners from different Brazilian macro-regions
Thuany M, Bandeira PF, Vieira D, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Gomes TN
Front Psychol 2023;14:1134797
56 Differences in race history by distance of recreational endurance runners from The NURMI Study (Step 2)
Knechtle B, Tanous D, Thuany M, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer G, Leitzmann C, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Wirnitzer K
Sci Rep 2023;13(1):18083
57 C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and complementary strategies to improve antibiotic stewardship in children with acute respiratory infections in primary care
Staiano A, Bjerrum L, Llor C, Melbye H, Hopstaken R, Gentile I, Plate A, van Hecke O and Verbakel JY
Front. Pediatr 2023;11:1221007
58 Quantitative Relationship Between Physical Activity And Antihypertensives in Elderly Women
de Lira CAB, dos Santos RG, Gomes AB, Santos DAT, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B, Rosemann T, Vancini RL
Rev Bras Med Esporte 2023;29: e2022_0193
59 Physical exercise for a healthy pregnancy: the role of placentokines and exerkines
Pahlavani HA, Laher I, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Zouhal H
J Physiol Sci 2023;73:30
60 [Small Tick - Big Danger]
Maager L, Lehmann C, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2023;112:610-614
61 Could war among nations decrease physical activity levels?
Vancini RL, Andrade MS, Knechtle B, Weiss K, De Lira CA
J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2023. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.15625-8. Epub ahead of print
62 Anabolikakonsum im Freizeitsport
Magnolini R, Bruggmann P
Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2023;5:49-53
63 Acute effects of moderate-intensity continuous physical exercise performed with different amounts of muscle mass on executive function in healthy young adults: a randomized trial
Morais MJ, de Oliveira VN, Viana RB, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Arida RM, Costa GCT, Campos MH, Vieira CA, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
EXCLI J 2023;22:1032-1046 
64 Why Switzerland needs evidence-based guidelines for its general practice medicine
Rosemann A, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S, Markun S, Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2023;112:488-491
65 Substances from unregulated drug markets - A retrospective data analysis of customer-provided samples from a decade of drug checking service in Zurich (Switzerland)
Magnolini R, Schneider M, Schori D, Trachsel D, Bruggmann P
Int J Drug Policy 2023;114:103972. Erratum in: Int J Drug Policy 2023;116:104022
66 Evidence of use and users of image- and performance-enhancing drugs in sports in Switzerland: a scoping literature review and implications for Swiss drug policy
Kruijver M, Bruggmann P, Magnolini R
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40080
67 Eliminating viral hepatitis B and C in times of war and increasing global refugee crisis
Bruggmann P
Swiss Med Wkly 2023;153:40058
68 Comparative Study of the Long-Term Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Nutritional Practices among International Elite and Sub-Elite Athletes: A Sample of 1,420 Participants from 14 countries 
Taheri M, Saad HB, Washif JA, Reynoso-Sánchez LF, Mirmoezzi M, Youzbashi L, Trabelsi K, Moshtagh M, Muñoz-Helú H, Mataruna-Dos-Santos LJ, Seghatoleslami A, Torabi F, Soylu Y, Kurt C, Vancini RL, Delkash S, Rezaei MS, Ashouri M, Tahira S, Sayyah M, Chtourou H, Dergaa I, Strahler J, Guimarães-Mataruna AF, Lebaron TW, Ezdini ES, Alizade A, Zouhal H, Tarnava AT, Clark C, Bigdeli N, Ammar A, Eken Ö, Ayed KB, Bragazzi NL, Nobari H, Thuany M, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Irandoust K
Sports Med Open 2023;9(1):104
69 Patient-reported experience is associated with higher future revenue and lower costs of hospitals
Giese A, Khanam R, Nghiem S, Rosemann T, Havranek MM
Eur J Health Econ 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10198-023-01646-y. Epub ahead of print
70 Spirulina Supplementation with High-Intensity Interval Training Decreases Adipokines Levels and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Men with Obesity
Supriya R, Delfan M, Saeidi A, Samaie SS, Al Kiyumi MH, Escobar KA, Laher I, Heinrich KM, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Zouhal H
Nutrients 2023;15:4891
71 Association between “cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36)” and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise training: a systematic review
El Ouali EM, Bosquet L, Elgharbaoui B, Laziri F, Laher I, Hackney AC, Ibrahimi A, Taib B, El Harane S, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Mesfioui A, Zouhal H
Front Physiol 2023;14:1256440
72 The pacing differences in performance levels of marathon and half-marathon runners
Ristanovic L, Cuk I, Villiger E, Stojiljkovic S, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Front Psychol 2023:14;1273451. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1273451. eCollection 2023
73 Flammer syndrome in aesthetic medicine: the importance of recognizing signs and symptoms
Kaya C, Fetian IR, Fand L, Valeri F, Mozaffarieh M
hb TIMES Schw Aerztej 2023;10:96-101
74 Comparison of physiological and psychobiological  acute responses between high intensity functional training and high intensity continuous training
Santos DAT, Morais NS, Viana RB, Costa GCT, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
Sports Medicine and Health Science 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2023.10.006, in press
75 Moving Beyond the Stigma: Understanding and Overcoming the Resistance to the Acceptance and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots
Dergaa I, Fekih-Romdhane F, Glenn JM, Fessi MS, Chamari K, Dhahbi W, Zghibi M, Bragazzi NL, Ben Aissa M, Guelmami N, El Omri A, Swed S, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Ben Saad H
N Asian J Med 2023;1:29-36
76 Does wet-cupping therapy improve repeated sprint ability, perceived wellness, and rating of perceived exertion in young active males?
Dergaa I, Ghram A, Romdhani M, Amma A, Soussi A, Farahat RA, Fessi MS, Irandoust K, Taheri M, Masmoudi T, Dergaa MA, Soussi N, Hammouda O, Weiss K, Chamari K, Ben Saad H, Knechtle B 
Sports Medicine and Health Science 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2023.09.007, in press
77 Effect of self-modeling and self-controlled feedback on the performance of professional swimmers and waterpolo players
Mirmoezzi M, Sayyah M, Taheri M, Irandoust K, Sangari M, Mirakhori F, Seghatoleslami A, Hill L, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Ghram A
Sports Medicine and Health Science 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2023.08.001, in press
78 Origin and age group of the fastest amateur triathletes competing in ‘Ironman Hawaii’ between 2003 and 2019
Puccinelli P, Narloch Sacchelli A, Seffrin A, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Andrade MS
Sports Medicine and Health Science 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2023.07.008, in press
79 Where are the world`s fastest Ironman® 70.3 race courses for professional athletes?
Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Andrade M, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Knechtle B
Journal of Science and Cycling 2023;12:35-47
80 Shoulder Internal Rotator Strength as Risk Factor for Shoulder Pain in Volleyball Players
de Lira CAB , Zimermann Vargas V, Vancini RL, Hill L, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B, dos Santos Andrade M
Int J Sports Med 2023; 44(02): 133-137
81 The effects of upper and lower limb elastic band training on the change of direction, jump, power, strength and repeated sprint ability performance in young female handball players
Gaamouri N, Hammami M, Charni Y, Oranchuk DJ, Bragazzi NL, Knechtle B, Chelly MS, Van Den Tillaar R
Front Sports Act Living 2023;5:1021757
82 Acute ventilatory responses to swimming at increasing intensities
Monteiro AS, Magalhães JF, Knechtle B, Buzzachera CF, Vilas-Boas JP, Fernandes RJ
PeerJ 2023;11:e15042
83 Editorial: Prevention, assessment and treatment of clinical issues related to endurance exercise and sports
Rojas-Valverde D, Burtscher M, Millet GP, Scheer V, Nokolaidis PT, Knechtle B
Front Physiol 2023;13:1082237 
84 External validation of VO2max prediction models based on recreational and elite endurance athletes
Wiecha S, Kasiak PS, Cieśliński I, Takken T, Palka T, Knechtle B, Nikolaidis PT, A Małek LA, Postuła M, Mamcarz A, Śliż A
PLoS One 2023;18(1):e0280897
85 Effects of twelve weeks of dance Exergames on the quality-of-life variables of elderly Brazilian women enrolled in a community program
dos Santos RG, de Freitas JVR, Alcantara LM, Lopes GGC, Galvão LL, de Queiroz BM, Santos DAT, deLira CAB, Andrade MS, Knechtle B, Nikolaidis PT, Vancini RL
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 2023;36:5-13
86 Mental health in ultra-endurance runners: a systematic review
Thuany M, Viljoen C, Gomes TN, Knechtle B, Scheer V
Sports Med 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40279-023-01890-5. Online ahead of print
87 Predictors of half-marathon performance in male recreational athletes
Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
EXCLLI J 2023;22:559-566
88 Anthropometric, training and social variables associated with performance in runners of 5 km to marathon
Thuany M, Knechtle B, Santana A, Gomes TN
Science and Sports 2023;38:310.e1-310.e8
89 Effects of contrast strength training with elastic band program on sprint, jump, strength, balance and repeated change of direction in young female handball players
Hammami M, Gaamouri N, Cherni Y, Chelly MS, Hill L, Knechtle B
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 2022;17:1147-1157
90 Effects of twelve weeks of dance Exergames on the quality-of-life variables of elderly Brazilian women enrolled in a community program
dos Santos RG, de Freitas JVR, Alcantara LM, Lopes GGC, Galvão LL, de Queiroz BM, Santos DAT, de Lira CAB, Andrade MS, Knechtle B, Nikolaidis PT, Vancini RL
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2023;36:5-13
91 Exercise-Induced Arrhythmia or Munchausen Syndrome in a Marathon Runner?
Gajda R, Drygas W, Gajda J, Kiper P, Knechtle B, Kwasniewska M, Sterlinski M, Biernacka EK
Diagnostics (Base) 2023;13:2917
92 The frequency and performance trends of european countries in the U18 and U20 rankings for 1500 m and 3000 m between 2009-2020
Thuany M, León-Guereño P, Kipchumba K, de Souza RF, Knechtle B, Gomes TN
Sports Med Health Sci 2023;5:213-219
93 Editorial: Acute and long-term health issues of occupational exposure to heat and high physical loads
Crowe J, Knechtle B, Rojas-Valverde D
Front Physiol 2023;14:1304229
94 Role of pan-national associations such as the European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians (ECOSEP) in advancing the specialty of sports and exercise medicine in the 21st century
Scheer V, Lohrer H, Pakravan A, Tsapralis K, Valle X, Ghrairi M, Bueno Padilla JM, Malliaropoulos N, Maffulli N, Knechtle B, Heron N
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2023;9(4):e001703 
95 Sports Heart Monitors as Reliable Diagnostic Tools for Training Control and Detecting Arrhythmias in Professional and Leisure-Time Endurance Athletes: An Expert Consensus Statement
Gajda R, Gajda J, Czuba M, Knechtle B, Drygas W 
Sports Med. 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40279-023-01948-4. Epub ahead of print
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