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Institut für Hausarztmedizin


1 Differences in training characteristics of recreational endurance runners by race distance – results from the NURMI Study (Step 2)
Knechtle B, Tanous D, Thuany M, Motevalli M, Wirnitzer G, Leitzmann C, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Wirnitzer K
Front Psychol 2024;14:1269374
2 Late presentation for hepatitis C treatment: prevalence and risk factors in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort
Brunner N, Grischott T, Bruggmann P
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2024. doi: 10.1097/MEG.0000000000002705
3 Prevalence of dietary supplement use among male Brazilian recreational triathletes: a cross-sectional study
de Oliveira VN, Andrade MS, Sinisgalli R, Vancini RL, de Conti Teixeira Costa G, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB 
BMC Res Notes 2024;17(1):8
4 Influenza vaccination patterns among at‑risk patients during the Covid‑19 pandemic—a retrospective cross‑sectional study based on claims data
Plate A, Bagnoud C, Rosemann T, Senn O, Di Gangi S
Infection 2024. doi: 10.1007/s15010-024-02175-3. Epub ahead of print 
5 Cycling is the most important predictive split discipline in professional Ironman ® 70.3 triathletes
Weiss K, Valero D, Andrade MS, Villiger E, Thuany M, Knechtle B
Front Sports Act Living 2024;6:1214929

Electronic Nicotine-Delivery Systems for Smoking Cessation
Auer R, Schoeni A, Humair JP, Jacot-Sadowski I, Berlin I, Stuber MJ, Haller ML, Tango RC, Frei A, Strassmann A, Bruggmann P, Baty F, Brutsche M, Tal K, Baggio S, Jakob J, Sambiagio N, Hopf NB, Feller M, Rodondi N, Berthet A
N Engl J Med. 2024;390:601-610

7 Running Variability in Marathon – Evaluation of the Pacing Variables
Cuk I, Markovic S, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Medicina (Kaunas) 2024;60:218
8 Patient leaflets on respiratory tract infections did not improve shared decision making and antibiotic prescriptions in a low-prescriber setting
Plate A, Di Gangi S, Garzoni C, Selby K, Pichierri G, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S
Sci Rep 2024;14:4978
9 Elevated TSH Levels: A Database Study of General Practitioners’ Course of Action
Jäger L, Burgstaller JM, Zechmann S, Senn O, Rosemann T, Markun S
Endocr Pract 2024;30:187-193
10 A single session of a beach volleyball exergame did not improve state anxiety level in healthy adult women
de Oliveira VN, Viana RB, de Freitas JVR, Rodrigues MAM, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2024;16(1):67 
11 Enhancing cardiometabolic health: unveiling the synergistic effects of high-intensity interval training with spirulina supplementation on selected adipokines, insulin resistance, and anthropometric indices in obese males
Delfan M, Saeidi A, Supriya R, Escobar KA, Laher I, Heinrich KM, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Zouhal H
Nutr Metab (Lond) 2024;21:11 
12 Effects of swimming in cold water on lipolysis indicators via fibroblast growth factor-21 in male Wistar rats
Shams S, Tavasolian M, Amani-Shalamzari S, Motamedi P, Rajabi H, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Biochem Biophys Rep 2024;38:101662
13 Maximal oxygen uptake, muscular oxidative capacity, and ventilatory threshold in amateur triathletes: Eight-month training follow-up
Assis MGC, Barbosa Junior JGG, Seffrin A, Ribeiro dos Anjos Souza V, Vivan L, Matos Rodrigues MA, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Andrade MS  
Open Access J Sports Med 2024;15:9-17
14 Primary care indicators for disease burden, monitoring and surveillance of COVID-19 in 31 European countries: Eurodata Study
Ares-Blanco S, Guisado-Clavero M, Del Rio LR, Larrondo IG, Fitzgerald L, Murauskienė L, López NP, Perjés Á, Petek D, Petrazzuoli F, Petricek G, Sattler M, Saurek-Aleksandrovska N, Senn O, Seifert B, Serafini A, Sentker T, Ticmane G, Tiili P, Torzsa P, Valtonen K, Vaes B, Vinker S, Adler L, Assenova R, Bakola M, Bayen S, Brutskaya-Stempkovskaya E, Busneag IC, Divjak AĆ, Peña MD, Díaz E, Domeyer PR, Feldmane S, Gjorgjievski D, Gómez-Johansson M, de la Fuente ÁG, Hanževački M, Hoffmann K, Ільков О, Ivanna S, Jandrić-Kočić M, Karathanos VT, Üçüncü EK, Kirkovski A, Knežević S, Korkmaz BÇ, Kostić M, Krztoń-Królewiecka A, Kozlovska L, Nessler K, Gómez-Bravo R, Peña MPA
Eur J Public Health 2024;7:ckad224. Epub ahead of print 
15 Metabolic control level and glucose variability in adolescents with type 1 diabetes during low and high-intensity exercise
Skalska M, Myśliwiec A, Michalak A, Chrzanowski J, Lejk A, Jastrzębska J, Radzimiński Ł, Lopez-Sanchez GF, Myśliwiec K, Jastrzębski Z, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2024;28:1987-1997
16 Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit in der ambulanten Gesundheitsversorgung
Weiss K
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113:27. Editorial
17 Analysis of over 1 million race records shows runners from East African countries as the fastest in 50-km ultra-marathons
Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Forte P, Gajda R, Scheer V, Sreckovic S, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Knechtle B 
Sci Rep 2024;14(1):8006
18 Personality of Marathon Runners: A Narrative Review of Recent Findings 
Braschler L, Thuany M, de Lira CAB, Scheer V, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Knechtle B
EXCLI J 2024;23:441-474. Review
19 Genotypic and Allelic Distribution of the CD36 rs1761667 Polymorphism in High-Level Moroccan Athletes: A Pilot Study
El Ouali EM, Kartibou J, Del Coso J, El Makhzen B, Bouguenouch L, El Harane S, Taib B, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Mesfioui A, Zouhal H 
Genes 2024;15:419
20 Brief Review: Virtual Reality and Physical Exercise as Countermeasures of Coping the Space Missions
Russomano T, Vinagra NAC, Gessinger RP, Castro J de C, Herbert J da S., Oliveira, A, Oliveira E, Costa KL, Xavier AP, Ruiz R, Dihl Y, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Andrade MS, de Lira CAB Vancini R
Health Nexus 2024;2:30-40
21 Effect of self-modeling and self-controlled feedback on the performance of professional swimmers and waterpolo players
Mirmoezzi M, Sayyah M, Taheri M, Irandoust K, Sangari M, Mirakhori F, Seghatoleslami A, Hill L, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Ghram A
Sports Med Health Sci 2023;6:167-172
22 Ultra-Cycling - Past, Present, Future: A Narrative Review
Tiemeier L, Nikolaidis PT, Chlíbková D, Wilhelm M, Thuany M, Weiss K, Knechtle B
Sports Med Open 2024;10:48 
23 Interdisciplinary care for users of anabolic agents in recreational sports in Switzerland – a first clinic has opened in Zurich
Magnolini R, Bruggmann P
SEMS-journal 2024.
24 Changes in the attractiveness of medical careers and career determinants during the bachelor's program at Zurich medical schools
Weiss K, Di Gangi S, Inauen M, Senn O, Markun S
BMC Med Educ. 2024 Jun 26;24(1):693
25 Deep vein thrombosis after sclerotherapy and endovenous laser ablation of varicose veins - an observational study
Di Gangi S, Guillet C, Anzengruber F, Zechmann S, Meier TO
Vasa. 2024 Jun 13. doi: 10.1024/0301-1526/a001130. Epub ahead of print
26 Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Primary Care in Switzerland
Schietzel S, Zechmann S, Rachamin Y, Neuner-Jehle S, Senn O, Grischott T
JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Jun 3;7(6):e2417988
27 Dietary Habits and Race Day Strategies among Flexitarian, Vegetarian, and Vegan Recreational Endurance Runners: A Cross-Sectional Investigation from The NURMI Study (Step 2)
Tanous DR, Motevalli M, Leitzmann C, Wirnitzer G, Rosemann T, Knechtle B, Wirnitzer K
 Nutrients. 2024 May 27;16(11):1647
28 Impact of aging on maximal oxygen uptake in female runners and sedentary controls
Dos Anjos Souza VR, Vivan L, Seffrin A, Vallini L, de Paula Domingos F, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Exp Gerontol 2024;193:112476
29 A study of the fastest courses for professional triathletes competing in IRONMAN® triathlons
Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Fernandes MSS, Forte P, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Knechtle B
Human Movement 2024;25:148-60
30 A descriptive analysis of the fastest race courses for triathletes
Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Andrade M, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Vancini RL, Roseman T, Knechtle B
Baltic Journal of Sport & Health Sciences 2024;4(131):14 –23
31 Chronische Schlaflosigkeit - ein häufiger Konsultationsanlass
Weiss K, Senn O
Prim Hosp Care 2024;24:167-170
32 Developing and testing a framework for coding general practitioners’ free-text diagnoses in electronic medical records - a reliability study for generating training data in natural language processing
Wallnöfer A, Burgstaller JM, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Senn O, Markun S 
BMC Prim Care 2024;25:257
33 C-reactive protein point-of-care testing in primary care - broader implementation needed to combat antimicrobial resistance
Llor C, Plate A, Bjerrum L, Gentile I, Melbye H, Staiano A, van Hecke O, Verbakel JY, Hopstaken R
Front. Public Health 12:1397096. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1397096
34 The potential of large language model chatbots for application to epilepsy: Let’s talk about physical exercise
Rocha-Silva R, de Lima BE, José G, Cordeiro DF, Viana RB, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Rosemann T, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Arida RM, de Lira CAB
Epilepsy & Behavior Reports 2024;27.
35 Analysis of the fastest backstroke age group swimmers competing in the World Masters Championships 1986-2024
Fariod M, Seffrin A, Andrade MS, Wilhelm M, Weiss K, Ahmad W, Moreitz S, Stanula A, Nikolaidis PT, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
Sci Rep. 2024 Jul 26;14(1):17214
36 Ferritin Cutoffs and Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Primary Care
Jäger L, Rachamin Y, Senn O, Burgstaller JM, Rosemann T, Markun S
JAMA Netw Open 2024;7(8):e2425692
37 Developing normative values and predictive models for the 6-minute walk test across diverse adolescent developmental stages 
Ghouili H, Dergaa I, Dridi A, Farhani Z, Ouerghi N, Ben Aissa M, Hammami N, Bouassida A, Guelmami N, Souissi N, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Ben Ezzeddine L, Knechtle B
Eur J Sport Sci 2024. doi: 10.1002/ejsc.12169. Epub ahead of print
38 Comparison of bone mineral density between female amateur triathletes and nonathletes: A cross-sectional study
Cruz Correa Netto Soares G, Barbosa Junior JGG, Seffrin A, Vivan L, Rosa de Freitas JV, Costa GCT, de Lira CABB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Sci Prog 2024;107(3):368504241261844. doi: 10.1177/00368504241261844
39 Management der Venenthrombose
Rosemann A, Witzel I, Meyer MR, Neuner-Jehle S, Pichierri G, Rosemann T, Senn O
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113:148-159

Betablocker nach Herzinfarkt?
Rosemann A, Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994). 2024 Sep; 113 (8): 184–185. doi: 10.23785/PRAXIS.2024.08.001.


Ältere US-Amerikaner nehmen immer noch zu häufig Aspirin zur kardiovaskulären Primärprophylaxe ein
Rosemann T, Rosemann A
Praxis (Bern 1994). 2024 Sep; 113 (8): 186–186. doi: 10.23785/PRAXIS.2024.08.002.


Management der Venenthrombose [Diagnosis and treatment of venous thrombosis]. Teil 2 – Sonderformen venöser Thrombosen
Rosemann A, Witzel I, Meyer MR, Stefan Neuner-Jehle J,  Pichierri G, Rosemann T, Senn O
Praxis (Bern 1994). 2024 Sep; 113 (8): 202–209. doi: 10.23785/PRAXIS.2024.08.005.

43 Predicting and comparing the long-term impact of lifestyle interventions on individuals with eating disorders in active population: a machine learning evaluation
Irandoust K, Parsakia K, Estifa A, Zoormand G, Knechtle B, Rosemann T, Weiss K, Taheri M
Front Nutr. 2024;11:1390751
44 Using machine learning to determine the nationalities of the fastest 100-mile ultra-marathoners and identify top racing events
Knechtle B, Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Scheer V, Cuk I, Gajda R, Thuany M
PLoS One 2024;19(8):e0303960
45 Crocus Sativus Linnaeus (Saffron) intake does not affect physiological and perceptual responses during a repeated sprint test in healthy active young males
Ouerghi N, Abassi W, Jebabli N, Feki M, Bouassida A, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
BMC Res Notes 2024;17(1):246
46 Europe has the fastest Ironman race courses and the fastest Ironman age group triathletes
Knechtle B, Thuany M, Valero D, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Weiss K
Sci Rep. 2024 Sep 8;14(1):20903
47 Does wet-cupping therapy improve repeated sprint ability, perceived wellness, and rating of perceived exertion in young active males? 
Dergaa I, Ghram A, Romdhani M, Souissi A, Ammar A, Farahat RA, Fessi MS, Irandoust K, Taheri M, Masmoudi T, Dergaa MA, Souissi N, Hammouda O, Weiss K, Chamari K, Ben Saad H, Knechtle B
Sports Med Health Sci. 2023 Sep 22;6(4):378-384
48 Cycling Intensity Effect on Running Plus Cycling Performance among Triathletes
Vivan L, Dos Anjos VR, Engelke P, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Int J Sports Med. 2024 Sep 23. doi: 10.1055/a-2404-8537. Epub ahead of print
49 The Effect of Posture on Retinal Venous Pressure
Fetian IR, Fankhauser F, Bärtschi M, Valeri F, Mozaffarieh M, Bebie H, Flammer J
hb TIMES Schw Aerztej 2024;12:46-53
50 Case Report: Differences in self-selected pacing in 20, 40, and 60 ironman-distance triathlons: a case study
Knechtle B, Cuk I, Andrade MS, Nikolaidis PT, Weiss K, Forte P, Thuany M
Front Sports Act Living 2024;6:1155844
51 Sex difference in IRONMAN age group triathletes
Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Andrade MS, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Rosemann T, Weiss K
PLoS One 2024;19(10):e0311202
52 Critical Analysis of Information Provided by ChatGPT on Lactate, Exercise, Fatigue, and Muscle Pain: Current Insights and Future Prospects for Enhancement
Rocha-Silva R, Rodrigues MAM, Viana RB, Nakamoto FP, Vancini RL, Andrade MS, Rosemann T, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
Adv Physiol Educ 2024 Sep 12. doi: 10.1152/advan.00073.2024. Epub ahead of print
53 Road and trail running from 5 km to ultra-marathon – Trends in Switzerland from 1999 to 2019
Thuany M, Witthöft A, Valero D, Forte P, Weiss K, Scheer V, Nikolaidis PT, Andrade MS, Cuk I, Knechtle B
Hum Mov 2024;25(3):96-108
54 Perceived dilemma between protective measures and social isolation in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study among Swiss nursing home directors
Greindl S, Di Gangi S, Plate A, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S
Front Public Health 2024;12:1292379
55 Prescriber-level surveillance of outpatient antimicrobial consumption to enable targeted antimicrobial stewardship: a nationwide observational study, Switzerland, 2015 to 2022
Graber SM, Stollberg SM, Plüss-Suard C, Huber CA, Kronenberg A, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S, Plate A
Euro Surveill 2024;29(37):2300734
56 Associations between environmental factors and running performance: An observational study of the Berlin Marathon
Weiss K, Valero D, Villiger E, Scheer V, Thuany M, Aidar FJ, de Souza RF, Cuk I, Nikolaidis PT, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
PLoS One 2024;19(10):e0312097
57 Effects of Acute Citrulline Malate Supplementation on CrossFit® Exercise Performance: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Study
Devrim-Lanpir A, Ihász F, Demcsik M, Horváth AC, Góczán P, Czepek P, Takács J, Kimble R, Zare R, Gunes FE, Knechtle B, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Heinrich KM.
Nutrients 2024;16(19):3235
58 Procedure Prioritization During a Nationwide Ban on Non-Urgent Healthcare: A Quasi-Experimental Retrospective Study of Hospital Data in Switzerland
Grischott T, Mehra T, Meyer MR, Senn O, Rachamin Y
Health Serv Insights 2024;17:1-9
59 Discrepancy between antibiotic pack sizes and guideline recommendations: a real-world analysis based on claims data
Stollberg SM, Graber SM, Kronenberg A, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S, Pluess-Suard C, Huber CA, Plate A
Infection 2024. doi: 10.1007/s15010-024-02420-9. Epub ahead of print
60 Running Plus Strength Training Positively Affects Muscle Strength and Quality in Both Younger (Below 50 Years Old) and Older (Above 50 Years Old) Women
Vivan L, Dos Anjos Souza VR, Seffrin A, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS
Geriatrics (Basel) 2024;9(5):127
61 Blood pressure control and antihypertensive treatment in Swiss general practice: a cross-sectional study using routine data
Di Gangi S, Brenner R, Grischott T, Burgstaller JM, Senn O, Rosemann T, Markun S
Swiss Med Wkly 2024;154:3898 
62 Using complex systems to understand running-related injuries 
Thuany M, Vieira D, Viljoen C, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Gomes TN
Res Sports Med 2024;33:97-106
63 Efficacy, side effects, adherence, affordability, and procurement of dietary supplements for treating hypercholesterolemia – a narrative review Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
von Känel-Cordoba I, Wirnitzer K, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Devrim-Lanpir A, Hill L, Rosemann T, KnechtleB
J Health Popul Nutr 2024;43:189
64 The fastest 24-hour ultramarathoners are from Eastern Europe
Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Scheer V, Weiss K, Forte P, Thuany M, Vancini RL, de Lira CAB, Nikolaidis PT, Ouerghi N, Rosemann T
Sci Rep 2024;14(1):28703
65 Analysis of the 72-hour ultramarathon using a predictive XG Boost model
Knechtle B, Villiger E, Weiss K, Valero D, Gajda R, Scheer V, de Lira CAB, Braschler L, Nikolaidis PT, Vancini RL, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Thuany M
Sport Sci Health 2024.
66 Fusion versus decompression alone for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis: a target trial emulation with index trial benchmarking
Unterfrauner I, Muñoz Laguna J, Serra-Burriel M, Burgstaller JM, Uçkay I, Farshad M, Hincapié CA 
Eur Spine J 2024;33:4281-4291
67 Birthplace effect on Brazilian elite runners
Thuany M, Vieira D,  Gomes TN, Villiger E, Weiss K, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
Brazilian Archives of Physical Education 2024. doi:10.70860/abef.2595-0096v73545
68 Can people with epilepsy trust AI chatbots for information on physical exercise?
Rocha-Silva R, de Lima BE, Costa TG, Morais NS, José G, Cordeiro DF, de Almeida AA, Lopim GM, Viana RB, Sousa BS, Colugnati DB, Vancini RL, Andrade MS, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Arida RM, de Lira CAB 
Epilepsy Behav 2024;163:110193. Epub ahead of print
69 Evaluation of Athletes' Gender-Related Postural Differences
Akinoğlu B, Paköz B, Shehu SU, Kocahan T, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
Percept Mot Skills 2024 Dec 5:315125241304809. doi: 10.1177/00315125241304809. Epub ahead of print
70 Sport-Paradox – Intensiver Sport erhöht das Risiko, eine ­relevante Koronar­stenose zu entwickeln
Rosemann T, Rosemann A
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(10):250-251
71 Are integrated care models associated with improved drug safety in Swiss primary care? an observational analysis using healthcare claims data
Farcher R, Graber SM, Boes S, Huber CA
PLoS One 2024;19(9):e0311099
72 Assessing the excess costs of the in-hospital adverse events covered by the AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators in Switzerland
Giese A, Khanam R, Nghiem S, Staines A, Rosemann T, Boes S, Havranek MM
 PLoS One 2024;19(2):e0285285
73 The effectiveness of a multi-domain electronic feedback report on the performance of quality indicators for chronic conditions: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial in general practice
Jäger L, Markun S, Grischott T, Senn O, Rosemann T, Burgstaller JM
PLoS One 2024;19(11):e0314360
74 The influence of origin and race location on performance in IRONMAN® age group triathletes
Knechtle B, Valero D, Villiger E, Thuany M, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Andrade MS, Forte P, Braschler L, Rosemann T, Weiss K
PLoS One 2024;19(12):e0315064
75 Die Einnahme von Multivitaminpräparaten ist ohne Einfluss auf die Mortalität
Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(10):252
76 Laien erkennen maligne Melanome selten selbst [Non-medical experts rarely recognise malignant melanomas themselves]
Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(9):220
77 Key factors influencing cycling performance and overall race time in the Ironman 70.3 for amateur athletes
Vivan L, dos Anjos Souza VR, Engelke P, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Knechtle B, Andrade MS 
Sport Sci Health (2024). 
78 Diät wirksamer auf Körpergewicht und HbA1c als Metformin und SGLT-2-Hemmer
Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(11-12):292
79 Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen in der Schweiz – Prävalenz und Versorgung [Cardiovascular diseases in Switzerland - Prevalence and care]
Rosemann T, Bachofner A, Strehle O
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(3):57-66
80 Erhöhen Antidepressiva (SSRIs) das Blutungsrisiko bei antikoagulierten Patienten? 
Rosemann T
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(5):112
81 Family Medicine Practice as Learning Environment: A Medical Student Evaluation in Switzerland
Di Gangi S, Senn O, Plate A
Adv Med Educ Pract 2024;15:1255-1270
82 The segmental-based approach during anatomy coursework presents better results than the systems-based approach
Costa TG, Campos MH, Barros ACF, Andrade MS, Vancini RL, Viana RB, Rosemann T, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB
BMC Med Educ 2024;24(1):1529
83 CARE-(CArdiovasculaR prEvention) Score – ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Versorgungsqualität von kardiovaskulären Risikopatient/-innen in der Hausarztpraxis [The CARE (CArdiovasculaR prEvention) Score - an instrument for recording the quality of care of cardiovascular risk patients in the GP practice]
Rosemann T, Sudano I, Lüscher TF, Strehle O, Senn O
Praxis (Bern 1994) 2024;113(5):113-118
84 The effect of blended learning on tacking technique improvement in preteen sailing
Souissi MA, Toumi L, Trabelsi O, Dergaa I, Ghorbel A, Gharbi A, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Souissi N, Knechtle B
Sci Rep 2024;14(1):31972
85 Analysis of the 10-day ultra-marathon using a predictive XG boost model
Knechtle B, Villiger E, Valero D, Braschler L, Weiss K, Vancini RL, Andrade MS, Scheer V, Nikolaidis PT, Cuk I, Rosemann T, Thuany M
BMC Res Notes 2024;17(1):372
86 Sex Differences in Participation and Performance Trends in Time-Limited Ultramarathon Events
Thuany M, Gomes TN, Villiger E, Nikolaidis PT, Scheer V, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Knechtle B
Transl Sports Med 2024:1129276
87 Differences in 5-km running pace between female and male triathletes
Dos Anjos VR, Vivan L, Engelke P, de Lira CAB, Vancini RL, Weiss K, Rosemann T, Knechtle B, Andrade MDS
Int J Sports Med. 2024 Nov 8. doi: 10.1055/a-2443-9921. Epub ahead of print
88 Context counts: a qualitative study on how adolescents activate social resources to develop and practice health literacy
Hoeks RA, Deml MJ, Favre O, Senn O, De Gani SM, Rachamin Y
BMC Public Health 2024;24(1):3583
89 Prevalence of dietary supplement use among male Brazilian recreational triathletes: a cross-sectional study
de Oliveira VN, Andrade MS, Sinisgalli R, Vancini RL, de Conti Teixeira Costa G, Weiss K, Knechtle B, de Lira CAB 
BMC Res Notes 2024;17(1):8
90 Using artificial intelligence for exercise prescription in personalised health promotion: A critical evaluation of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model
Dergaa I, Ben Saad H, El Omri A, Glenn JM, Clark CCT, Washif JA, Guelmami N, Hammouda O, Al-Horani RA, Reynoso-Sánchez LF, Rombdhani M, Paineiras-Domingos LL, Taher M, Vancini RL, Mataruna-Dos-Santos LJ, Trabelsi K, Chtourou H, Tayebi SM, Eken Ö, Swed S, Shawki HH, Ben Aissa M, El-Seedi H, Mujika I, Seiler S, Zmijewski P, Pyne DB, Knechtle B, Asif IM, Drezner JA, Sandbakk Ø, Chamari K
Biol Sport 2024;41(2):221–241
91 Investigating academic performance and perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses among undergraduate students of physical education at a Brazilian public university 
Rodrigues MAM, Silva RR, Santos DAT, de Freitas JVR, Gentil P, Vieira CA, Rebelo AC, Andrade MS, Campos MH, de Conti Teixeira Costa G, Knechtle B, Vancini RL, de Lira CAB
BMC Med Educ 2024;87. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05058-1
92 Is there an association between countries' culture and runners' performance?
Thuany M, Gomes TN, Kipchumba K, Wachira LJ, Malchrowicz-Mośko E, Rozmiarek M, Knechtle B, Rolim R, Moura dos Santos MA
Sport Sci Health 2024.
93 The Ethical Compass: Establishing Ethical Guidelines for Research Practices in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science
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International Journal of Sport Studies for Health 2024;7:31-46. Review
94 Psychological aspects of the longest, solo, unsupported one-way polar ski expedition in Antarctica by a female adventurer
Scheer V, Chandi H, Valero Burgos E, Thuany M, Knechtle B, Steinach M
BMJ Mil Health. 2024 Jun 19:e002647. Epub ahead of print



Strength-based therapy: empowering athletes' Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction
Parsakia K, Knechtle B, Irandoust K
Health Nexus 2024;2:1-7
96 Sleep, Fatigue, and Recovery Profiles of the Longest Solo Unsupported One-Way Polar Ski Journey Across Antarctica
Scheer V, Chandi H, Valero E, Thuany M, Knechtle B, Steinach M 
Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2024 Aug 30:1-6. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2024-0171. Epub ahead of print
97 Physiology of Marathon: A Narrative Review of Runners’ Profile and Predictors of Performance
Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B
Physiologia 2024;4:317-326
98 Antarctic Expeditions: A Systematic Review of the Physiological, Nutritional, Body Composition and Psychological Responses to Treks Across the Continental Ice
Thuany M, Viljoen C, Gomes TN, Valero Burgos E, Knechtle B, Costa R, Steinach M, Scheer V
Sports Med 2024. doi: 10.1007/s40279-024-02151-9. Epub ahead of print
99 Understanding running performance through a holistic approach: A expert-based opinion study
Thuany M, Rolim R, Kipchumba K, Knechtle B, Gomes TN, Moura dos Santos MA
Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte (São Paulo) 2024;38:e38227245
100 Ten days of tapering can improve swimming records and metabolic but not hematological profile in young recreational swimmers
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Sport Sciences for Health 2024;20(2):489-499